Sunday 6 March 2016

Skateboarding Research

Adidas 'Away Days' Film

Girls Skateboarding in Cuba
  • Skateboarding is illegal in Cuba
  • Some people do it to get around or for fun
  • There are only a few girls who do it
  • "Act of rebellion" because it's "not a sport"
  • Can't let a girl skateboard because she's a dancer
  • Women need to be protected
  • Sense of freedom on skateboard
Possible Skateboarding ban in Kettering, UK
  • Skateboarding seen as "anti-social'
  • "There could be a code-of-conduct instead of it being a criminal offence"
Skateboarding's biggest family: The Shecklers

Begins with observational shots of the brothers skating outside
  • Ryan gives his insight to skateboarding through a seated interview. He claims that skateboarding is "All I know"

  • Focus pull is used to show the brothers: Ryan in the foreground, and Kane and Shane in the background
  • Archive pictures are used to show the brothers as a family unit when they were younger
  • The observational style is used again with the use of dialogue and light hearted music
  • Slow motion shots are used to observe the brothers as they perform different tricks
  • This is accompanied by upbeat music and the sound effect of skates rolling

  • This sequence ends with Ryan and Kane discussing the tricks they performed 

  • I like how this shot creates a silhouette effect

  • I like the use of lighting in this shot during the sunset

  • In this shot the camera was static as Ryan skated past

Independent Article

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