Monday 7 March 2016

Filming For Pilot and Performative Task

We filmed at the skate park at The Level in Brighton today to get some shots for our pilot. Most people were okay with being filmed but a couple of guys came up to us requesting not to be filmed. Most of the time we were filming their feet on the skateboards.

We also made sure to get some wide shots from different perspectives. I thought it would be best to use the tripod in order to make sure the footage looked professional and not too shaky. However sometimes this made it difficult to follow the action.

For the performative task, we went to a smaller skatepark in Hollingdean. Luckily the park was empty so it that we could practice as a group without having to interrupt other skaters. For the task I asked an experienced skateboarder, Tristan, to teach me how to skateboard, as I have never been able to do it before. We recorded him demonstrating the basic skateboard method and then I repeated his actions. This did not go very well as I fell off a couple of times. Maddie also practised skateboarding, and was much better than myself.  

We also recorded some extra footage of Tristan in the bowl which we could use in the pilot.

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