Wednesday 20 April 2016

Structuring Narrative

I went through all the footage we have, combining the interviews from the last shoot and from what he had in the pilot. I created a very rough structure of our narrative.

The opening of the documentary will feature a personal interview from the main subject, Tristan. Maddie recorded this interview alone so I have not listened to it yet. However I left a space for where this should go, and put some cutaways from when we previously filmed him.

The next part of the video will feature the oppositional view of skateboarding. The main topics covered in the interviews were:

  • Parents think there is a correlation between skateboarding and drug culture
  • Abundant stereotypes of meat heads/slackers
  • Some people often miss school to smoke at skatepark

This then transitions into the idea that these preconceptions aren't true. Instead it is argued that skateboarding is beneficial. The interviews state that the skaters push each other to do more tricks. The video will then show footage of these skateboarding performing, in an observational style, without narration.

The next section is from the skateboarders perspectives and how they justify their own culture. The points raised were:

  • Skateboarding been around since 50s/60s
  • Appeals to different age ranges
  • More than just a sport
  • A lot of skaters working class
  • Has a sense of freedom 

The conclusion of the documentary is centred around the idea that skateboarders are outcast from society.

  • When they were younger it was not cool to skate
  • Now it has become more popular
  • Some people think it's lame
  • Through skateboarding you become accepted into a small community
  • Not accepted as a real career
  • Not enough resources/skateparks 
  • More skateparks, might be better in the future 

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