Friday 22 April 2016

Day 4 Shoot

I used the DSLR camera to take some pictures for the publicity stills that we need to submit for the assessment:

We filmed quite a lot of fill shots of Sam performing actions. We did this from many different view points. This was to make our documentary look more like it's following a narrative, because at the moment it looks quite disjointed with too many cutaways. We filmed shots that would follow on from each other in slow motion.

We filmed Sam from behind as he walked towards the skate bowl. This was to give the audience an insight to his preparation to skateboarding, not just showing off tricks.

We also filmed from the top of the bowl and inside the bowl, so that we'd be able to edit in the match on action style.

We also recorded an interview with Sam. His answers were in depth and he gave his own personal experiences regarding skateboarding. He spoke about how it can be an isolated sport and how this relates to his own introverted personality. Moreover he spoke about his own experiences with getting into drugs because of skateboarding. These answers were perfect for our documentary because they expand on the brief answers we already got from previous interviews, yet in a more personal way.

I also edited a few of the photographs I took. Following the conventions of the skateboarding photography that I researched, I used black and white with high contrast:

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