- Long Shot
- Establishing/wide shot
- Medium shot
- Close up
Camera Angles
- Point of view
- Reverse angle shot
- Low angle shot
- High angle shot
- Pan
- Tilt
- Pedestal
- 16:9 - TV
- 2:39:1 - Film/Cinema
- Rule of thirds
- Symmetrical/asymmetrical frame
- Look space, headroom and walk space
- Depth of field
Grey Gardens
- Establishing shots are initially used to show the beautiful locations around the American town
- This is juxtaposed with the dilapidated house that the main character resides in
- The camera pans up and down to follow what the subject is talking about
Titicut Follies
- A long shot is used to show an overall view of the band as they sing. Creates an ambiguous tone leading the audience to become curious about the subject manner
- A close up on one of the subjects shows his facial expressions - suggesting that he is uncertain of himself
How to make a good story:
- Dramatic tension, curiosity, contradiction or surprise
- Make sure there's a hook/angle
- One perspective/argument is boring
- Visual/aural presentation
- Must determine who the audience is
- Reveal something the audience doesn't already know
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